Monday, October 16, 2006

The Magic is Back

The Tigers are back in the swing! Oh yes, the boys are finally back. I don't talk about being a fan very often. Not because I don't love them anymore, but it was an abusive relationship and I had to cut ties. Sometimes, they'd start to look good again at the beginning of the season, and I'd take them back, and then they'd hurt me again. So I kept them at a safe distance.

The prospect of a Cards-Tigers series has both of us really geeked. We've adopted the Cards as our National League team. That has been a satisfying relationship. Ever since we moved here, they have had least made a good run at the playoffs. StL is a great baseball town.

Meanwhile, another month. Two car trips out of state, which is where I made most of my knitting progress. I have been making thesis progress too, but slowly, and no progress on the job hunt, which is stressing me out to no end. I really wanted to start a new job in January, but I think at this rate I'll be lucky to be starting in April.

Thankfully it has cooled off nicely and I'm looking out at the tops of some pretty orange and yellow trees waving in gusts of October mizzle. I like October weather, especially when the TIGERS ARE IN THE WORLD SERIES.

I now have the ball winder to go with the swift and make pretty little balls. Here it is with yet more Mountain Colors--this for felting a bag for P (see below). Shortly after taking this picture, I got really excited by how fun it was to use, cranked the handle too fast, and caused the yarn to get tangled around the swift somehow and the swift to crash to the floor.

I'm doing the small baguette Noni bag for P. At the moment it has been through the wash 2x and needs a third, but I am out of quarters. It looks really beautiful with the colors all softened and blended. Because the wash is up to $1.25, I got the felting started in the sink. Gently teasing it with the comb works really well, and gets a lot of the fuzz off before I stick in a community washer. I'm making some I-cord handles to felt too, but I think it might look good with bamboo.

In the meantime I have completed the red sweater from my June post with unfinished projects. I had to wait for it to get cool enough to suffer a lap full of wool while I put the button bands on. My first buttonholes, and they worked out pretty well (not that I am magically good at buttonholes, I tested them on the swatch) using my favorite book, The Knitter's Guide to Finishing Techniques. Yes, that is the Panopticon's Dolores on my tee. Her shirt says "Uppity Chicks Rule."


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