Friday, July 21, 2006

Heat Wave

What other title could there be?

Best wishes and hopes that all the StL ring bloggers are doing okay and those without power will have power back soon. It was so hot today I didn't even go outside, so I don't know anything about CWE damage except what I can see from my windows. Very concerned about so many without power in this heat, and those under the boil-water alert.

We were completely unaffected by the storm here--a few lights flickered but that was it. Being in the middle of a high-rise, there was no worry about trees landing on us, and our car got lucky too. That storm was very strange--when the wind started so suddenly it sounded like someone was pushing a heavy piece of furniture in the hall, that sort of whistling of wood on carpet. I opened the door to see if someone needed a hand and the wind pushed me back. Literally. I couldn't close the door.
It was so sudden and unexpected, and since the sirens didn't go off, we had no idea it was so bad until we checked the news.

Was wanting to go out tomorrow (possibly Knitorious if they are powered up) but after seeing the news with so many traffic lights still out today I think I'll do everyone that has to drive a favor and keep to my habitat (within walking distance of apt). I've decided to admit that I have a yarn problem and purchase a ball winder and swift.

With it being so hot I worked from home all this week, and was too hot to do anything but work or knit small things, so I got a lot done on both counts. N's and my socks are done, and Sizzle nearly so. I finished the first Bearfoot sock and picked out Knitty's rpm for Tiff's socks.


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