Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A Good Day

It was Very Good Day. Today N and I went to Target, on the usual get-all-the-soap-trip, and also to get several thousand cotton balls. Apparently someone else has to put 1300 tiny mouse skulls in vials, because they were all sold out.
Then we went to Red Lobster for lunch, because I am a crab junkie . . .

ANYWAY, when we got back I had my Yarnmarket package waiting--the stuff from the gift certificate from P&P (Like my clever code-names for privacy?) Admire the lovely Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn, the nifty hemp pattern, the magnetic snaps for purses, and the new Chibi darning needles.

But, wait! It gets better. The Summer IK was in the mailbox, which was fantastic because I got some Rowan 4-ply soft with my other birthday money. (It's my last birthday, btw, until some progress is made. No, I'm not all Ally-McBeal-OMG!!!111!! I'm 30 and NOT MARRIED!! Perish the thought. It's about professional goals. And I'm not 30. Yet.)
The new yarn is to make the very interesting Annie Modesitt Bias Corset. It has some new shaping techniques for me to try out. I am going to try to add some straps, so I can wear it with a regular bra. I don't want to buy a strapless bra, because it would cut into the yarn budget . . .
I should add, the color is "Victoria," which is kind of an eggplant. I could be classy and say "aubergine," but I'm not sure how to spell it, and spelling it wrong would be declasse, thus cancelling out my attempted poshness.


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