Sunday, March 11, 2007

Who's a good kitten? Who's a good kitten?

Arthur is doing excellently. He earned his free range privs shortly after I posted, though he wasn't 100% comfortable exploring the apartment by himself until today. He's a good box user but a messy eater. Good thing we bought the kitty placement. We are working on encouraging him to use his scratching post. He spent most of the last two days at my feet, or sitting halfway between N and me. Right now he is sitting against me on the couch washing his face. If one of us gets up he follows us around, partly out of curiousity but also I think partly out of clinginess. He wants lots of attention, which is okay because just now we are home a lot. It is great that he already is comfortable with us and doesn't feel the need to hide all day, but I hope he will soon realize that he is here to stay and if we leave we'll come back. Poor baby, without a home for so long.

He is also wearing his collar and tags now. I wanted him to get used to them as soon as possible. Especially since he's at a very quick age for dashing out doors. He's going to be entirely indoors, so I hope he never needs his tags, but safety first, and I think he looks dapper with his blue collar.


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