Sunday, February 04, 2007

Southern Living

It's been intense, especially the last 6 days, but we are finally in Columbia, with a carload of basic necessities--air mattress, 2 computers, and a pile of journal articles I need to finish my thesis. The bitter cold made everything unpleasant. We stayed with N.'s parents four nights, after we got rid of the bed. Getting the car loaded and unloaded every day and driving the 50 minutes back and forth in 10 degree temps was killer.

We still don't know when the truck will arrive with the rest of our stuff. Yesterday morning we drove through the Smoky Mountains. I'm glad neither of us gets carsick easily, but it was very beautiful. Here's our brave car after 750 miles stuffed to the limit. I could not move my feet, but the car gave us no trouble.
Notice that we can now park right outside our door. Oh happy day.

Here is our new living room. My knitting bag is there on the left. Sitting on one of the camp chairs with my laptop on my bedtray/lapdesk is working out pretty well. The first thing we did after getting the boxes and bags unpacked and running out for lunch and groceries was try to get the internet working. I had to spend about 45 minutes on hold or getting disconnected by the voice mail with Bell South, but I managed to get my password and username (with name spelled wrong yes I'm looking AT YOU BELL SOUTH) and we were good to go.

Here's the bedroom, porch, and dining room:

The Hanging Up of the Dishtowels is an important ritual in settling in.

I'm suffering stash deprivation. The last two months I've been working on presents for my lab, some of which are completed. All I brought with me was the yarn for 2 of the pairs of socks I'm working on. Most of the stash has been packed since early December. I miss all my pretty yarns. When the truck arrives I'm going to have to open all my yarn boxes--I will not admit to how many--and fondle all my lovely yarns. I can't wait for the spring and summer magazines.
In the meantime I will have to check out the LYS. Probably tomorrow.


Blogger Cindy said...

I think I would go into withdrawel if most of my stash was packed where I couldn't reach it. Good luck with all the settling in!

11:32 PM  

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